
It was a step we had in mind for some time at Smart Consulting Group, observing the increasing demand for financial expertise alongside that required for effectively managing soft money in the market. Our team has the right skills because it understands both the overall financial dynamics of companies and the specific challenges of audiovisual productions, even the most complex ones.

Gian Marco Committeri
Founder Smart Consulting Group

In the audiovisual market, the complexity and interrelationships among the various stakeholders are increasing. Consequently, financial expertise is becoming increasingly central to managing projects: from budgeting and cash flow planning to relationships with banks and securing financial resources to “close” projects. Our idea is to provide producers with expertise and solutions in Finance and Business Affairs, allowing them to focus more on artistic and production-related matters.

Federico Giuseppini
President Smart Plus

Italian audiovisual production needs to move towards an industrial dimension where the product must become the heart and pillar of the reference market.
Smart Plus offers the necessary services to help production companies and producers improve and speed up interactions with co-producers, distributors, and platforms, banks, completion bonds, film commissions, etc., providing expertise to manage projects and identify resources in the market, thus reducing the time from development to production and delivery of the product.

Mauro Martani
CEO Smart Plus

The administrative and financial management of projects requires both greater knowledge of the market and attention towards the subjects involved. Clients, co-producers and distributors need adequate professional dialogue on financial issues from preventive planning to the operational management of cash flow throughout the entire period of time in which the production of the works develops.

Mauro Monachini
Partner Smart Plus